The third Mother I want to honor is my wife Joan Jackson. As I said I lost an angel when Bubba passed away and God was looking out for me and he sent me another angel. Joan is also a GREAT Mother and Nana and Mother-in Law to Brett. Joan's husband and father of Janet and Barbara passed away when Janet was seventeen and Barbara was thirteen. She did a great job taking on the role of both Mother and Father and developing a great relationship with Janet that lasted until her untimely death in a car accident on December 24, 2002 and still exists with Barbara, another example of not only being their Mother but their best friend also.
She is also A GREAT NANA to Christopher, Carter, and now Griffin. Joan always puts her children and grandchildren and even lucky me ahead of herself.
I have been a very lucky man to have had and still have these three women as a part of my life and I thank God all the time for having such wonderful women as a part of my life.
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