Sunday, June 28, 2009

Prayers and support for a young man shipping out to Iraq.

My wife's Brother and Sister-in-Law Russell and Joan Luzzi have a Nephew whose name is T.J. McDonagh. Yesterday we went to a cookout and party for T.J. for two reasons. First to celebrate his marriage to his girlfriend Jackie and second to give him a send off as he gets ready to ship out to Iraq.

T.J. and Jackie were married on Thursday and on July 5 he will be going to New Jersey for a couple of weeks of orientation before being shipped off to Iraq. T.J. is a true soldier, he has already served in Afghanistan and is now going to be serving in Iraq.

The cookout was a very nice afternoon, lots of family and friends there to celebrate his wedding and to say their goodbyes before he leaves.

Our Carter just adores T.J., he loves him but he also loves his Monster Truck. LOL Friday night Carter said Mommy is it tomorrow we are going to T.J.'s party and she said yes it is, he said T.J. is a soldier and he is my hero. T.J. you are not only Carter's hero you are all of the people who were there to honor you, our hero also.

This is our prayer for T.J.:

Almighty and everlasting God, grant T.J. and all our soldiers the strength to carry out their duties. Give them courage and endurance each day as they use their skills to overcome obstacles.When they are weak, be their strength, if they are tired, remind them to look to you so that they can mount up with wings like eagles, run and not get tired, walk and not get weary.

Lord, stand beside T.J. and his fellow soldiers and give them the courage, strength, and skill. O grant them peace of heart and mind and Lord please comfort the loved ones that they are leaving behind. Lord hear our prayers, Amen

Always remember these men and women serve and fight so that we may be safe and free.

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