Thursday May 26, 2011,
Where has the time gone? Today May 26 is another milestone in Carter's young life. This evening he graduates from kindergarten.
Carter, as you graduate it makes us so happy to recognize all that you have achieved in your young life and to realize what a terrific kid you are. If you continue to be the wonderful person you are already your future is unlimited. So while you are headed to a future of endless possibilities just remember Nana and Papa are two of the proudest grandparents in the world.
The whole world may never be lucky enough to know what a special young lad you are but the people who know you and love you certainly do.
Back in August 2009 I did a BLOG titled what a difference you have made in my life. I took some of the words from a song by Ronnie Milsap and used them to express how you had changed my life so much. Here is some of those words.
What a difference you have made in my life,
You're my sunshine day and night,
Oh what a difference you have made in my life.
What a change you have made in my heart,
Oh what a change you have made in my heart.
You have gave love a new meaning,
So I joined in the singing,
That's why I wanna spread the news.
On February 1, 2005 you was born. I was there about a half hour after your birth and the very first time I held you I felt like a grandfather. I told your parents I wanted to be called Papa so I became Papa to a little guy who made a drastic change in my life. Lucky for me we just bonded from the very beginning and have continued a great relationship. Oh what great times we have had together.
No matter what we have done together I know I have had more fun than you have. We have spent hours at the park,
I loved taking you to one of your favorite places, McDonalds, we have played games together and in the years since you joined the YMCA Nana and I have loved coming to your baseball, soccer, and basketball games. You used to love for me to read to you and lo and behold last Saturday at your house you came and climbed up on my lap and read me a whole book, it was all Papa could do to hold back the tears.
Since you started school I don't get to spend as much time with you as I used to, so the time we do get to spend together I treasure every minute of it.
I could go on and on with this but just let me close with saying how much your Nana and Papa love you and how proud we are of you.
Papa hopes as you get older you will remain the loving and caring person you are now.
Papa you made me cry........