In January of this year I wrote on my BLOG about how to grow
older gracefully. I came across some excerpts from a book entitled ( A Long
Bright Future ) written by a lady named Laura Carstensen, a professor of
psychology at Stanford University which I found to be very interesting, Thought
I would share a few of them with you.
She says happiness is not the domain of the young. In fact
quite the contrary. According to research on age and happiness older people tend
to be happier than young people.
She writes, with the exception of dementia-related diseases,
which by definition have organic roots, mental health generally improves with
age. Older people generally focus on the essential, don't sweat the small stuff,
and enjoy their freedoms when their children leave the nest. She says the empty
nest syndrome is atypical, she says children make parents very happy when they
are living somewhere else. LOL
She says ( the paradox of aging ) has to do with our
perspectives changing. Simply put the less time we have the
more we cherish it. I totally agree with that. Things that used to mean a lot to
me no longer do, but the things I really care about I care a lot more about them
now. The age group that is the most unhappy, stressed, and prone to depression
is the 20 something demographic.
Having a good life is as important as having good genes when
it comes to age and wellness. Common sense prevails here, if you smoked a pack
of cigarettes a day for decades, you'll pay later, same for drug or alcohol
addiction and lack of exercise.
( Aging is inevitable ) how you age is not. We have to learn
to deal with aging, death is the only alternative.
Having reached the ripe old age of 71 1/2 I feel I can add a
few things to her report. LOL
I believe our back ground and circumstances may have
influenced who we are but we are responsible for who we become.
All through our lives we make friends, you lose some and some
stay on and never leave your side. Old friends are like old wine,they become
better with age. So many of my old friends I consider them like
Every one wants to be happy, no one wants to be in pain but
remember you can't have a rainbow with out the rain.
You can not choose the people around you, but you can choose
the people you want to be around.
Life is like a flowing river, full of opportunities. It is up
to you whether you stand with a bucket or a spoon.
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your
The best classroom in the world is at
the feet of an elderly person
Having a child fall asleep in your arms
is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
No matter how serious your life requires
you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
Everyone you meet deserves to be
greeted with a smile..
When your grandchild holds your little
finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life.
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