Happy New Year Dear Family & Friends,
Happily I can say that 2013 has been a good year for Joan and I. My idea of a good day, a good week, a good month, or a good year is that when I total up the ups and the downs at the end of any of those times is that the ups outnumber the downs. Thank you God for 2013 our ups far outnumbered our downs.
I am going back to New Year's Eve 2012 to start 2013. Carter & Griffin spent the day and night with us, we had a good evening and actually stayed awake to see the ball come down.
New Years morning they came and jumped in bed with us laughing and having fun. My thought was what a great start to the New Year.
As with anyone you cannot get through a complete year with out a few downs and we had a few of them. On January 15 we got the news that Joan's Mother-in-Law Dot passed away after a long illness.I was honored when her Daughter Joyce asked me to do an Eulogy for her which I did at her funeral and burial on January 19.
On April 17 another phone call that a friend and high school classmate, Anne Young passed away, also after a long illness.
June 6 more sad news, Joan's brother Russ and his wife Joan's daughter passed away. A lot of out of town family came for the Memorial Service.
Art Kline our next door neighbor passed away at the age of 97, Really miss him, I could spend hours chatting with him.
My Dear Friend Butch had a sister pass away also. Another friend Sonny Duncan, and I have probably missed a couple.
On May 29 a family friend Gordon Davis was involved in a very serious automobile accident. He has had a tough recovery, came home for awhile but is now back in the hospital.
Right now we have some family and friends with health problems, some very severe. Joan and I will both be 74 years old this year so sadly will probably hear some more sad news as we have a lot of friends as old or older than us.
But so many wonderful things happened in 2013. A Dear Friend Sandy Valenti was able to return to work after a long battle with cancer.
Lucky for Joan and I we get to spend a lot of time with Carter & Griffin and Nana and Papa are in our glory when we are with them.
Almost every holiday we get to celebrate twice, because it is so hard for my Daughter Martha to travel over to us we do our holidays with family here and the go over to Sebring and celebrate with her and her family within a day or two.
Can't write about all our good times but will highlite a few. Went up to Maryland in October for my high school reunion. Class Of 1958, Howard High School., wow been out of high school for 55 years.
I tried retirement a couple of times and didn't like it so worked part time job for many years. Now I really am enjoying retirement. Joan didn't like being retired, she is A Stevens Minister at our Church, voluneers at the Maltz Theatre, but seems not enough for her so she signed up with a temp agency and works for them when they need her and still wants to do more, such energy. LOL
As I hardly watch any TV I spend a lot of time on the computer, I joke with people all the time telling them I have learned more since I discovered Google that I learned in 12 years of school. It wasn't the schools fault. LOL
My Dear Brother-in-Law Frank Strawderman passed away a few years ago, his motto which I have adopted is he said he was going to live until he died and he did just that. Going to saty active as long as I can, not going to sit around waiting to die.When I met Joan she told me she wanted to wear out, she never wanted to rust out, she does't give rust time to settle on her. LOL
P/S Hope to have my book ready to publish soon.
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