Monday, December 29, 2014

People are funny creatures. We can be greedy and impatient one day and kind and considerate the next. And always we are unendingly complicated.
Take being thankful for example. We have Thanksgiving, a day to set aside to show our gratitude and we also have New Year's Eve to show our thanks for the past year.
That's good we have those special times to express our thanks, but what about tomorrow or the next day or even for a few minutes are we thankful then too?
Let me share a few ways I'm thankful and I hope you are thankful for some of the same reasons.
I'm for sure not a preacher but I like to think I am a Christian, all be it one with a lot of warts. And I have not always been a true believer. I was one that was always questioning  God and asking Him Why certain things happen. But after Bubba passed away and we lost Janet in that terrible automobile accident I realized that I had to believe the fact there is a better place that the people we love and care so much for go to after they leave this earth. It was not an easy thing for me to do but since I have come to believe that, I am much more at peace with myself. After coming to that conclusion I have been able to move on a lot better with my life.
Like everyone else I have had hard times, and good times and great times and horrible times. But the last few years as I look back at my life I realize how much the good times have far outnumbered the bad times. When I lost Bubba and was floundering around I was led to Joan, one Angel replaced by another Angel. After my Daughter Martha had her terrible stroke and it is hard for her to communicate first Carter and now Griffin entered my life and those two little guys have been more of a blessing than I could ever imagine. So I realize that every prayer I say is not answered, but I have had so many great things happen that I didn't pray for it is my saving grace.
If you are having trouble finding your blessings, ask yourself a few of these questions.
Do You have people that love you?
Are you part of a family?
Do you as I do have beautiful grandchildren that adore you, make you feel younger, keep you laughing and just make your day when they say I love you.
Are you part of a family that loves you?
Do you have friends you can be with, tell the same old stories from the past and laugh at them as if you were hearing them fore the first time?
If you can answer yes to a few of these questions I hope they will make you realize that you are blessed. If we hang on the tragedies of the past too much about things that may or may not happen in the future then you will forget the joys of today.
One regret I do have is that it took me so long to realize how many blessings I have had. I did hold on to things from the past too long, and until I learned The Serenity Prayer I for sure worried about too many things I cannot change.
I am also thankful for all of you that are reading this BLOG. If you are reading this it means you are a family member, a friend, an E-Mail friend, or a Facebook friend, people that I love and enjoy so much.
Joan and I want to wish each and everyone of you:
Remember the laughter, the joy, the hard work and the tears,
And as you reflect on the past year, also think of the new one  to come,
Because most importantly this is a time of new beginnings and the celebration of life.
We will open the book , it's pages are blank,
we are going to put words on them ourselves.
The book is called opportunity and it's first chapter is New Year's Day
Fill your life with happiness and bright cheer,
Bring to you Joy and Prosperity for the whole year.
And it's my New Year wish for you,

Life is short, break the rules
Forgive quickly,
Love truly
Laugh uncontrollably.
and never regret anything that made you smile.
Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don't need to carry.
Before the sun sets in this year
before the memories fade before the net works get jammed,
Great start for January
Love for February
Peace for March
No worries for April
Fun For May
Joy for June to November
Happiness for December
God Bless you and keep you safe not only
today but throughout life that is coming your way

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Tribute To The Cornell Institute For Rehabilitation Medicine At Bethesda Hospital East In Boynton Beach, Florida.

A Tribute To The Cornell Institute For Rehabilitation Medicine At Bethesda Hospital East In Boynton Beach, Florida.
After my back surgery at JFK Hospital in Atlantis on July 28 TH the surgeon came to talk to me after I woke up. He told me that after starting the surgery he realized the damage was worse that he had expected after viewing the X-Rays and MRI's. He said the surgery took two and a half hours.
He told me that I was going to have to go to rehab. Every one I talked to at JFK strongly recommended that the best place I could go for rehab was Cornell Institute.
I'm glad I took their advice. What a wonderful place.
I was there from August 3 until August 30.
It is an acute inpatient rehabilitation Rehab.
For me I needed physical and occupational therapy. Their goal is to help patients reach their optimum level of wellness and to be as self sufficient as you can be when you go home.
All my therapists were totally professional and caring. Constantly assuring me that what they were asking me to do was going to be for my benefit.
The entire team meets each week to discuss the patients treatment, and their progress. They find out from each other what the patient is doing well and what they need to work on that they may be not doing so well. A total team effort.
Every day I was there I was amazed to see the detail they go through with you.
They have all these specially designed aids to get you ready to be back on your own again.
Again I found it amazing.
The treatment I received when I was not doing therapy was wonderful also. Great nurses, again totally professional but very, very, caring.
Always coming to check on me to see if I needed anything.
Before I came home they had my wife come in for training by therapists on things she could do to help me once I came home.
Finally from the morning I left home for the surgery until my wife picked me up to bring me home I was only outside twice. Once when they moved me from JFK to Cornell and once to go for a follow up visit with my surgeon. Missed the fresh air, but even though I wasn't going outside I saw a bright ray of sunshine every morning when I entered the rehab room.
There was this Angel on earth who worked in the rehab place. Her name was " Annie " and usually the first thing I seen when I entered the room was her beautiful smile, I told her thanks to her even though I didn't go outside her smile was my sunshine every morning.
Love You Annie And You Are An Angel On Earth. What an uplifting personality.
I still have a way to go but thanks to the training and treatment I received at Cornell I am making progress every day.
I just had to single Annie out but my heartfelt thanks goes out to every one I had the pleasure of working with there.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 24 Latest Update On My Surgery And Rehab

Unless there is any setbacks " Please pray there won't be " I am scheduled to go home Saturday, August30.Joan is coming in today for some instructions on things she may have to help me with when I come home.
    This week coming up they are going to be working me hard on any thing I may still be having a problem with. They want me to be as self sufficient as I can be when I do get home.
     I told Joan I want her to get me one of those little bells that I can ring when I need her. She has already  told me what I can do with a bell.LOL
     I have always said that God looks out for West Virginia Hillbillies and Fools and since I am both he has a full time job guiding me. LOL
     I wanted to go to a rehab center closer to the house but was guided to The Cornell Rehab Center. The things they do for you is unbelievable. Something I struggled with like two days ago I am acing them now. They have pretty much thought of every thing.
     The help from you my great family and friends has helped also. The phone calls, the cards, the visits, the prayers, are therapy in themselves.
      So I hope my next update will be from the comforts of my own home.
God Bless You All.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Update On My Surgery And Rehab

Dear Family & Friends,
     I really appreciate your concern about my surgery and rehab. Several questions every day like how are you doing, when are you going home, etc.
     I wanted to find out more information myself before I tried to answer those questions.

So yesterday did a follow up appointment with my surgeon. They removed the staples, which is a good sign of progress,

On  Monday July 21, I went to JFK hospital in Atlantis, Florida for pre-op to surgery.
Monday morning July 28, back to JFK for the surgery. When the surgeon got into my back it was worse than he had expected so the surgery lasted two and a half hours. Spent the rest of the week at JFK, quite a bit of pain and discomfort.

Came to the rehab center on Sunday August 3 and started rehab on Monday August 4. The first week of rehab was pretty painful. The rehab place is Cornell Rehab. Great place with wonderful physical therapists. Weekend was still some rehab but not to much.

They told me the second week was going to be more intense and they weren't lying. LOL But now I find I can tell the difference day by day, getting stronger, and most of the things they have me do is getting easier. So today Saturday August 16 and tomorrow Sunday only an hour each day, but they said Monday they will start being more intense each day.

They have a tentative day to come home as August 27 but depending how it goes this week it could be before than and than again it could be longer, so keep those prayers going.   

Thank God Martha and Jimmy bought me  a new laptop, first laptop I've ever had and I love it, because when I am not doing rehab or sleeping the rest of the time is very BORING LOL

Carter & Griffin have visited me a few times and you know that makes my day. They will be starting back to school on Monday, they have had a very fun filled summer.

Again I can't thank you enough for the cards, the phone calls, and just your concern.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

From A Baby To Now

The Countdown To My Surgery On Monday Morning, July 28, 2014

Trying To Grow Old Gracefully:

For some one that will be turning 74 in September my mind tells me I am not that old but my body quickly reminds me oh yes you are. LOL

On Monday I will be having my second back surgery. I had major back surgery in 2011. The pain before that surgery was excruciating. The pain was from Spinal Stenosis. I am not having that kind of pain this time but the stenosis is coming back again so I decided to go ahead and have the surgery before it gets back to where it was before.

Before my first surgery the surgeon asked me questions about my past as far as activities I had participated in the past. I told him I had played just about all sports and played them hard. I told him I had rode ATV's, wave runners, horses, probably lifted things the wrong way over the years etc. He asked me if I had it to do over would I do anything different. I told him NO as I had too much fun to look back and complain about it now. As I am getting older I've become more kind to myself and less critical of myself.

I have had too many family and friends leave this world too soon before they understood the great freedom of aging.

My thought is I can't stop from growing older but I can delay growing up and that is what I try to do. That's one reason I try to spend so much time with Carter & Griffin as I can, they help keep me young. I also try to avoid negative people as much as I can because they will drag you down. I try to hang out with crazy people as much as I can, for me that is pretty easy as most of my family and friends are crazy. LOL

I am some times a little forgetful but there are things in my past I want to forget any way. Actually I tell myself I drive the bad things out of my mind to leave more room for the good memories.

Has my heart been broken? Of course many times. How can your heart not be broken when you have lost as many family and wonderful friends as I have. How could I not have been heart broken that after being in bad health his entire adult life my Dad passed away when I was 12 years old.

My wife passed away also after a lot of health problems at the age of 55. My daughter had a major stroke at the age of 45. One year after Joan and I were married her beautiful daughter Janet was killed in an automobile accident on Christmas Eve, 2002.

These are just a few of the times my heart has been broken. But you know what when I look back over my life I realize that even with all that the ups in my life far out number the downs. And for that I am very grateful.

Dear family and friends the advice I would like to give you and I only wish I had started doing it a lot sooner in my life is to dwell more on the good things you have experienced and a lot less on the bad things.

If you have a family and friends that love you, if you have reasonably good health yet, if you have laughed a lot more in your life than you have cried, then count your blessings.

As I grow older I actually find it easier to be positive, you get to a point where you don't care what other people think of you. I don't berate myself nearly as much as I use to, I think I have earned the right to be wrong once in awhile. LOL

When I look in the mirror I am often taken aback by that old person that is looking back at me. LOL

The secret is and it is not easy to do is not to agonize over your problems to long.

When I go to the pool or the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body and I see the jet set giving me those pitying glances, I just laugh to myself and say you are going to be like this if you are lucky enough to live this long.

I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here I will not waste time thinking what could have been or worrying what will be. And if I feel like it I will eat dessert every day. LOL

Notice I use a lot of LOL's when I write. that's what we need to do, the motto I try to live by is:


Friday, July 11, 2014

A Little Update On My Medical Report, Back Surgery

 In 2007 I was experiencing a lot of pain in my back. My Primary Doctor sent me to a Doctor that specialized in pain. After a series of tests, X-Rays, and MRI's they diagnosed me with Spinal Stenosis. He told me before they would even consider back surgery there is something they always try first. They would do what they called an Epidermal Injection first. He said if need be they could do three of them. The first one worked and I was virtually pain free.
He recommended I start going to the fitness center and start exercising. I did and started slowly and after awhile I was pain free. Things were going great until about November of 2010. Then all of a sudden the back pain reoccurred. I went back to the pain Doctor who helped me the first time. This time after three Epidermal Injections the pain was not improving.
They could only do three of those treatments. When the pain was actually getting worse my Primary Doctor recommended I see a back surgeon. I told him I had heard so many horror stories about back surgeries that I would only do that as a last resort. The pain just kept getting worse so I told Joan I think I am at the last resort.
The back surgeon compared the MRI's from 2007 with the new ones he had me go for. He said the reason the Epidermal didn't work was because my condition had gotten much worse.
I had the surgery in April 2011 and the pain went away almost instantly.
Awhile after the surgery the pain was gone but I started having some tingling in my legs from the knees down. I talked to my Primary Doctor about it, and he sent me to a Neurologist. After a series of tests he told me I had Neuropathy. Neuropathy can present many differing symptoms, including numbness, pain, weakness and loss of balance. It is an abnormal and usually a degenerative state of the nervous system or nerves.
At first I didn't want to believe it, I thought it was too much of a coincidence that it started so soon after my back surgery.
My Primary Doctor after reviewing every thing, he said Joe you do have neuropathy. I said what is the worst case scenario. He said, I just know that you have been on Google and read every thing there is to know about Neuropathy, he said you probably know more about it than I do.
So he said from your research you know that it as an progressive thing. He said the best case scenario is that yours will be a slow progressor.
Fast forward to 2014 I went to the surgeon for a three year follow up. I told him my back bothers me a little bit but my legs are getting weaker.
He had me do X-Rays and an MRI and sent me for a follow up visit with a Neurologist. Today I went to get the scoop on all the tests. He had the results from the Neurologist and the X-Rays and the MRI.
He said the Stenosis is coming back some and it could start giving me pain again. And it along with the Neuropathy my legs could get worse, He said surgery for the Stenosis is what he would recommend.
I didn't hesitate I said lets do it. I told him I have a nine year old and a five year old grandchildren and if it can slow down my deterioration so I can remain as active with them as I can I am willing to take the chance.
Teach me, O God to be patient with myself. As I grow older and discover I cannot do as many things as I used to, help me to accept the changes happening to me. Amen
So now I will see if I can follow my own advice that I have been giving to all of you, which is get up every day Thank God I am here for another day and make the best of each day.
If you see or hear me whining give me a good swift kick you know where,
When I look at my Dear Daughter Martha, my little problem is miniscule to what she has to go through every day of her life.
I have had a lot of set backs in my life but one thing I know for sure is that I have packed more living into my almost 74 years than a lot of people could pack into a hundred years. LOL
If you want to say a little prayer for me that my condition will continue to go slow , please do that but don't spend time worrying about me as I am doing fine.
Sending lots of love and best wishes to all of My Dear Family And Friends.
My pre-admission Surgical Visit is scheduled for July 21, and my surgery is set for July 28 barring any changes .

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What A Difference Carter And Griffin Have Made In My Life.

What A Difference They Have Made In My Life:

Just since the first of the year through Facebook and the Remember When Sites I am on I have reconnected with so many people that knew me and my daughter Martha.

I write about and post pictures all the time about Carter & Griffin. Actually I brag about them a lot. LOL I refer to them as our Grandchildren. One thing a lot of the people have said to me is, I didn't know Martha had any children.

I decided to update my BLOG for those of you that don't know the story about Carter & Griffin.

Years ago there was a country song written by and performed by Ronnie Milsap called what a difference you have made in my life. It was a song he wrote as a tribute to his wife but I have borrowed some of his words to covey what a difference Carter & Griffin have made in my life.

What a difference you've made in my life,

You're my sunshine day and night,

Oh what a difference you've made in my life,

What a change you have made in my heart.

Oh what a change you have made in my heart

You gave love a new meaning,

So I joined in the singing,

That's why I wanna spread the news.

As most of you know I don't have any biological grandchildren. Martha and Jimmy got custody of Jessica when she was about six years old, she is now 31 years old. When I met Joan her grandson Christopher was about 3 years old. At that age children know you are not really their grandfather. A year after Joan and I were married in 2001 Christopher's Mom Janet was killed in an automobile accident on Christmas Eve, 2002. Since then he has lived in Apopka, Florida with his Dad so not a lot of contact with him over the years.

So I figured I was never going to know the feeling of being a Grandpa. I would tell my family and friends who were grandparents it didn't really bother me, I would say things like I don't have patience with kids anyway so I probably wouldn't be a good grandpa anyway. But deep down I was envious of family and friends that had grandchildren.

Joan's youngest daughter married Brett and lo and behold Carter was born on February 1, 2005. I was there about a half hour after he was born. After he was cleaned up and it became my turn to hold him I felt like a grandpa and I just knew we were going to bond. Barb asked me what I wanted Carter to call me, I said instead of being called grandpa I would like to be called Papa. So I became Papa to a little guy who made such a drastic change in my life. Lucky for me we did bond from the beginning and have continued a great relationship. We had great times together, going to the park, going to McDonald's, playing baseball, soccer and games together and he loved for me to read to him. Once in awhile he would go to work with me on my part time job a lot. He started going with me when he first started walking. He was so young I had to take diapers with me and change him during the day. If he didn't come to work with me people would ask me when are you bringing Carter again.

One time a lot of the family was meeting at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I was outside waiting for him to come with his Mom and Dad. I was on one side of the street and he was on the other side, when the traffic cleared he pulled loose from his Mommy and came running across the street yelling Papa, Papa, and jumped into my arms, with tears running down my cheeks I looked up and said now I know for sure there is a God. LOL That also assured me I was a Papa for sure.

When Barb found out she was pregnant with Griffin she said Joe I know you have so much love for Carter is there room in your heart and mind for another little boy. I told her I didn't think that would be a problem. LOL

When Griffin was born in 2009 he was premature, the first time I saw him he was in an incubator with wires and probes hooked up to him every where. It was all I could do to keep from bursting out crying. He had to stay in the hospital and Mommy had to go home with out him, hardest thing she ever had to do she said.

Well you can see from the pictures I post he is doing great now.

One time I told Joan I wish they had been in my life when I was a little younger, but now I know the timing was perfect, being retired I have not missed hardly any of their games, their school activities, birthday's etc. As always God knew what he was doing.

One day at my part time job a group of us were talking about the movie" The Bucket List " that had just came out. I was asked what I still had in my bucket list. For those of you that never seen the movie it was about a list you wanted to do before you died. I told them I had been so lucky in my life, great family, great friends, traveled a lot, seen a lot, done a lot so my bucket list didn't have too many more things in it.

I said I just want to live long enough to make enough of an impression on Carter & Griffin that when they get old enough to realize I was not their biologial Papa that it won't make any difference to them, and if I am lucky enough to get to Heaven and one day I am looking down and some one asks them about their Papa that they will say my Papa was a cool guy, that would make my bucket list complete.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

For those lucky to still be blessed with your Mom, this is beautiful, for those who aren't this is even more beautifu, for those of you that are Mom's you'll love this.l

I have been trying to clean and straighten up my Man Cave but keep getting interrupted by coming across things like this. It's a little long but beautiful. Nice time to come across it with Mother's Day coming up.
This is a truly BEAUTIFUL piece. Please read it at a slow pace digesting every word and in leisure, do not hurry, this is a treasure.
For those of you lucky enough to still be blessed with your Mom, this is beautiful, for those of us who aren't this is even more beautiful, for those who are Mom's you'll love this.
The young Mother set her foot on the path of life, is this the long way she asked, and the guide said " Yes " and the way is hard. An you will be old before you reach the end of it. But the end will be better than the beginning.
But the young Mother was happy, and she would not believe that anything could be better than these years. So she played with her children, and gathered flowers for them along the way, and bathed them in the clear streams, and the sun shone on them, and the young Mother cried, nothing will ever be lovelier than this.
Then the night came, and the storm, and the path was dark, and the children shook with fear and cold, and the Mother drew them close and covered them with her mantle, and the children said Mother, we are not afraid, for you are near, ad no harm can come.
And the morning came, and there was a hill ahead, and the children climbed and grew weary, and the Mother was weary. But at all times she said to the children, a little patience and we are there. So the children climbed and they reached the top, they said Mother, we would not have done it without you.
And the Mother when she laid down at night looked up at the stars and said, This is better than the last, for my children have learned fortitude in the face of hardness. Yesterday I gave them courage, today I've given them strength.
And the next day came strange clouds which darkened the earth, clouds of war and hate and evil, and the children groped and stumbled, and the Mother said, look up, lift your eyes to the light.
And the children looked and saw above the clouds an ever lasting glory and it guided them beyond darkness. And that night the Mother said This is the best day of all for I have shown my children God.
And the days went on, and the weeks and the months and the years and the Mother grew old and she was little and bent. But her children were tall and strong and walked with courage. And when the way was rough they lifted her, for she was as light as a feather, and at last they came to a hill and beyond they could see a shining road and golden gates flung wide and Mother said I have reached the end of my journey. And now I know the end is better than the beginning, for my children can walk alone and their children after them.
And the children said, you will always walk with us Mother even when you have gone through the gates. And they said we cannot see her but she is with us still. A Mother like ours is more than a memory, she is a living presence.
Your Mother is always with you, she's the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street, she's the smell of bleach in your freshly laundered socks, she's the cool hand on your brow when you're not well.Your Mother lives inside your laughter and she's crystallized in every tear drop.
She's the place you came from, your first home, and she's the map you follow with every step you take. She's your first love and your first heartbreak, and nothing on earth can separate you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My Tribute To All Who Have Served In The Military, Past, Present, & Future

This is why I respect all military people so much, past, present, and future.
Although I never served in the military, my past from the time I was born until now I have been very much involved with the military and feel I know quite a bit about it.
My Dad ran away from home and joined the Navy when he was 15 years old. He was big for his age and was very mature so some how he was accepted.
When his parents finally learned where he was his Mother wanted to get him out. His Dad said no if that is what he wants leave him in there.
He had never been out of the state of West Virginia and all of a sudden as a teenager he seen the world. Egypt, Italy, Hawaii, The Philippines, just to name a few of the stops he made.
The motto back then was " Join The Navy And See The World " and he did just that. He served 4 years and loved it and reenlisted for 4 more years.
On his second tour while at sea he became very sick. In those days you went into sick bay until you would get to a port. When he did get to a port he had full blown tuberculosis from which he never fully recovered from. He was given a medical discharge and veterans pay.
Him and my Mom had reversed roles, she worked and he took care of the house. Several times he had to go the The TB Sanitarium. We didn't own a car so when we would go visit him my Mom and I had to go by bus or train.
He passed away in 1952 when I was 12 years old. He was only in his forties..
Because the only life he ever knew was the military he was a strict disciplinarian, every thing had to be done just right. If I did my chores and he wasn't satisfied it was do it over until it was right. He made sure that I respected my elders, my teachers, people in authority, etc. You better say thank you, please, yes sir, no sir,etc. or you paid the consequences. I am sure there were times when I thought he was too tough but in hind sight it helped shape my life.

My Dad
Two of my Uncles also served one in the Navy and one in the Army.
In 1965 I opened a Hess Gas Station in Odenton, Maryland right across the street from The Fort Meade Army Base. Fort Meade was also the head quarters for The National Security Agency that employed civilians and military for all branches of the service. In the 8 years I owned that station I probably employed in access of more than a 150 military part time. So to say I know a lot about the military I am not kidding.
I was there during part of the time of Vietnam, seen a few of the guys I knew go there and didn't make it back alive.
To me any one that serves in the military is to be applauded whether they were ever in combat or not. Just serving their lives are disrupted in so many ways. Being away from their families, moving many times especially if they are career military. Some of the kids of the ones I employed told me stories like in 12 years of school they were in as many as 15 schools.
As I travel around Palm Beach County I see way to many of the ex military people on street corners begging for money and I think that is so sad. We spend unbelievable amounts of money on illegal's, people who are healthy and just to lazy to work. I think instead of doing that we should take care of our veterans, especially those that are disabled.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Montage Of Pictures

A Tribute To My Beautiful Wife Joan For Her Birthday

Saturday March 29, 2014
Tomorrow is my lovely wife;s birthday. I won't tell you how old she will be but she was born on March 30, 1940. LOL
I want to honor her on her birthday with a few of my thoughts as to what defines a good woman.
A good woman first is a good daughter. Joan was a wonderful daughter. She lost her Father when she was twelve years old and her Sister Chary was about one year old. Her Mother being the bread winner of the family had to work a lot so Joan in addition to being a big Sister
 also at times had to act as a Mother. Her Mother remarried and had a Son Russell and a Daughter Debby and Joan has always been there for them also.There are so many things she did that made her a great Daughter.

                            Her Mom holding Janet when she was first born.

A good woman is a good wife, Joan married her childhood sweetheart. She went with him when he was drafted into the Army. She always stood by him and after he got out of the service she helped him become a very successful business man.

A good woman is a good Mother. Her Husband passed away when her Daughters were 17 and 13 years old. She did a great job taking on the role of Mother and Father and developing a great relationship with her Daughter Janet until her untimely death in a car accident on December 24, 2002 and still exists with Barbara. She was also their best friend.
A good woman is a good Grandmother. She is a great Nana to Christopher, Carter, and Griffin. And that is an under statement.

                                                    Christopher & Carter

                                        Christopher, Carter,and Griffin
                                                        With Carter

                                            Carter & Griffin

With Carter

A good woman is a good friend. She has many friends she loves and who love her. She has friends in all age groups. From small children to senior citizens.
 For Joan's 70th birthday I contacted a lot of her family and friends and ask them in lieu of gifts if they would write some things about what she has meant to them.
I knew she had a lot of friends but the response was overwhelming. The tributes just poured in from family and friends as to how much she has meant to them and how much they loved and admires her. No gifts could mean as much as that.
A good woman is someone who has a lot of fauth and acts on it, who is kind and gentle and serves others. She puts her religious beliefs into action by going to church, ministering to others, " she is a Stevens Minister at our Church " and living her life in accord with them.
A good woman is one that enjoys life and like to have fun. She does that for sure, not only does she have fun but she makes things fun for anyone around her, 

With Janet &; Christopher

With Christopher at the pumpkin patch


A good woman is successful, she has held a variety of jobs in her life and hads done well in all of them.
A good woman is someone who takes meticulous care of her apperance. She puts lipstick on and combs her hair to take the garbage can down to the street in case someone is walking by. LOL
A good woman is kind, always pleasing her family, she cooks a great meal, keeps a neat house, listens to the cares and woes of those she loves without expecting any thing in return.
When I first started thinking of doing a BLOG I was given advice telling me I needed to keep them short, can't be done when I am talking about my beautiful wife.
I really could go on and on about Joan but I will close by saying what a great lady she is. She has had a lot of tragedies in her life but family and friends who know her would never know it by her actions. She never puts herself first, always putting family, friends and every body else including lucky me first, every one before herself.
A great thing about a BLOG it gives me the chance to tell the world how much